2000-09-03 - message obtained through Martin - prvá nedeľa
Dear children,
Thank you for your coming here. You cannot imagine what great blessings you receive, all children that come here. I am happy that you come to my embrace that is always open to you. Today I call you to enter the path of offering. I call you to common prayer in your families and I want to tell you today to offer yourselves for each other and help each other. Prayer, service and offering will bring inner peace and deep love that will be poured over you by Jesus who dwells within you.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2000-09-07 - message obtained through Mary
My dear children,
With great joy Lord your God called me here again. Children, accept love. Open your hearts to this love. Offer yourselves to God's will, to the will of your Heavenly Father. Children, offer yourselves to Him with your whole heart, body and your spirit and He will lead your steps on the right path of life. If you accept from Heavenly Father joy, love and peace then you will have joy from the work of the whole day even if it were difficult. Children, your Heavenly Father helps you in everything because He loves you so much.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2000-09-14 - message obtained through Mary
My dear children,
Open your heart to love that is brought to you by Lord. Lord offered Himself on the Cross from sheer love. He died and finally raised out of death because He loves you tremendously. Read from the Holy Scriptures and ponder over His words. Live His words, so that you might walk on your path better. Your Lord helps everybody who needs Him. You help all your neighbours with love and joy. Learn this love and your hearts will be filled with joy.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2000-09-21 - message obtained through Mary
My dear children,
God sends you love even today through me. When you accept my Son and you Lord into your hearts tell Him everything which causes you worry and is heavy. He will listen to you with great love. Open your hearts to Him and you will be happier. Open your hearts to God, your Heavenly Father and He will fill them up with grace. It is not difficult to accept but you cannot understand it with your mind. Open to love that is given to you by your Lord.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2000-09-28 - message obtained through Mary
My children,
Have hearts filled with joy and love. Let this joy rise from your inside, let it be clean and sincere. Offer yourselves to God, offer the whole of your heart full of joy. Pray so that prayer might become your daily bread. Emanate prayer and joy. Let other see that you are the children of God.
Thank you for listening to my call.