2001-12-06 - message obtained through Lucia
My dear children,
I came to this House of God to tell you the following message. A couple of days ago a door was open in front of you through which you entered the Advent. The Holy Church assigns this period to you each year so that you might get ready for the birth of my Son. But you do not know how to correctly live through this Advent. You are not aware of what is hidden in this time. This time should be lived in great and sincere happiness. Make it a task for yourselves to live through Advent in prayer. Ponder and deeper think over secrets of the Joyful Rosary. When you pray this Rosary, allow great truth of Jesus' life hidden in it enter fully your hearts. When you live this reality fully and deeply, you will be able to wait for the approach of my Son in a more sincere and joyful manner. Think deeper whom you are waiting for. Heavenly Father wants to give you God's grace. For that, however, it is necessary to open your hearts to be able to accept it. Make a sincere decision to live secrets of faith deeper with Jesus Christ. Faith has many treasures. Do not forget how much I love you.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2001-12-09 - message obtained through Martin - prvá nedeľa
My dear children,
I bless you and want to tell you the following. When you celebrate the birth of my Son and when you take joy over the fact that He is born in your hearts ask that while living in you He might heal you from everything that is not from Him. And thus strengthened in His mercy you might again set on the journey.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2001-12-13 - message obtained through Lucia
My dear children,
I come to tell you the following: You are in the Advent period that might help you in transformation of your lives. Each day shortens the period of Advent and each day brings you closer to the celebration of the birth of Lord. But you have not as yet sufficiently understood what mighty event you undergo during Christmas. You are looking forward to Christmas from the material point of view. You are still full of what you have to prepare. You are impatient because you want to prepare a rich table with various courses. You are impatient for the gifts the others prepare for you. You thoughts are scattered and therefore the main point of Christmas is lost to you. Therefore I am telling you to calm down. Each day prepare by sincere prayer for the arrival of my Son. Even in the period Jesus was born in Bethlehem there were rich people as well as poor. Jesus Himself was born in great poverty. Heavenly Father predestined Him to make wonders in His life and yet He entered this world as the poorest child in the world. These words should disclose you that in the eyes of Heavenly Father material goods are of no value. In the eyes of Heavenly Father great value lies in the fact whether you are rich in good deeds and whether you sincerely try to deepen your Christian life. I am telling you that there is still some time from Advent ahead of you, do not waste it. Make a resolution to try hard with all power not to commit any sin. If such resolution will be taken and realised you will not commit so many sins after some time. If I ask a change of your lifestyle I mean by it the change of these daily sins. If somebody is able to perform something he can get to these results through many offerings. Not even one man was able to gain fame immediately. Each right deed requires certain renouncements but it is always worth it.
Ponder over these words, children. I am telling you these words in great love. I love you. Thank you for listening to my call.
2001-12-20 - message obtained through Lucia
My dear children,
There are still some days of Advent for preparations so that you might in great joy and love live a mighty secret of Jesus arrival to this world. I make use of this short time by telling you these words: When the day of commemoration of your birthday is about to approach you are very busy because you prepare various courses for this special day. You want to have enough of everything. You devote a lot of time for all preparations. You do not want to understand that everything what is in this world has no eternal values but one day everything will perish.
Children, everybody prepares for the birth of Jesus but only from the material side. You prepare many courses. You are very busy. I want to tell you to stop. Devote your time for the requirements of your souls and hearts. Do not forget that as much as your bodies need food and drink on daily basis so much your souls and hearts need food and drink. This food and drink is prayer, pondering over some mysteries of faith, reception of Holy Reconciliation and Holy Communion. In a couple of days there will be a common reconciliation in your parish. I want to support you and ask all of you to come. If somebody sincerely invites you and tells you he would wait for you and if you care about that person, usually you do not let him down and go where you are invited. Do not refuse my invitation and do not disappoint your Heavenly father who waits for each of you.
As much as you clean your homes, clean sincerely for Holy Reconciliation. Share everything with your Heavenly Father. Repent all your sins. Heavenly Father will justify your sins because He is eternally kind. Let your souls and hearts glitter like the cleanest mirrors after Holy Reconciliation. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in greatest poverty. Many people awaited Him in joy and welcome Him but many people rejected Him. You remember on yearly basis His birth. Let at that day your souls and hearts be full of sincere joy and love. I want you to come to Holy Communion with clean hearts and souls. Accept Jesus into your hearts and souls and let Him make His home there which you prepare with your warm love He would find there. Let Him find warmth there. Let live through this Christmas with newly born Jesus in your hearts and souls. Jesus wants to present you with much grace. God grace is worthier than all material goods, accept grace from Him.
Thank you for listening to my call.
2001-12-27 - message obtained through Lucia
My dear children,
Today I am coming to the House of your Father to tell you the following. You have been waiting for the birth of Jesus Christ for so long. A while ago your heavenly Father gave Him to you. It was at night. That night great things happened. You are still unable to live Mystery of Jesus birth. If you were able to live it, then you would have a greater and more sincere joy. When you enter the house of God look at Jesus lying in the cradle. He is alone there. Come closer and talk to Him. He will listen to you. Have your hearts filled with love. Be joyful because your Heavenly Father gave you His son as a gift. He gave Him to you because He loves you so much. I love you too.
Thank you for listening to my call.