1995-04-02 - message obtained through Martin
My dear children!
Thank you for coming to the Cenacles of Prayer without hesitating. Pray the Rosary because these times the Satan wants to drill down into many hearts. Cleanse your faces from sweat and filth, and rise up from the dust as the Lord has shown you. Rise up from the grave of death and start living. Give yourselves totally to the Lord, place yourselves into His wounds. Renew yourselves not only from outside, but mainly from inside. I love you, and also My Son Loves you and He blesses you with His pierced wounds.
1995-04-08 - message obtained through Martin
My beloved children!
Why aren’t you happy? Although the Lord suffers, He will rise from the dead soon. Why aren’t you rejoicing as those in the Bethlehem did when I brought Jesus to them? I am bringing Him also to these Cenacles of Prayer. Rejoicing about God’s matters – that’s God’s gift. Rejoice, because the Lord granted you joy.